دپارتمان های آموزشی و گرایشات آنها در قدیمی ترین مدرسه سینمایی جهان.
منبع: www.filmschool.lodz.pl/en/studia/stacjonarne/2
At the Lodz Film School you can study at one of the four basic departments: Film and
TVDirection Department (direction, film editing, screenwriting), Direction of Photography and TV Production Department (direction of photography, animation and special effects, photography, television production), Acting Department (acting) and Film Art Organization Production (film and television production organization). Most of the courses have the character of full time studies. However, we also offer part-time studies or post-graduate full time studies in film production organization mostly directed to Polish students, or international students from East or Central European countries who after graduation intend to seek employment in Poland.There are also PhD studies available in film, television and theatre specializations.